Hello my Friends, we are starting a huge projecy here in Denmark “View Your Water” it’s about showing people what condition their drinking water is, we made a webapp where the collected data is displayed on a map, people can also enter data themselves. There is also a description of how to do it. The webapp is maked for all countrys and in english.
You can have a look at it and think about sharing it with your community.
viewyourwater.011235.dk viewyourwater.danmarkvaagner.dk
That is the first version and we will make updates continuously
Regards and Blissings 🙏💜 from Denmark
2 svar til ““View Your Water””
Kunne I ikke lave en app som guider folk i HVORDAN de finder ud af kvaliteten af vandet?
Hej, det har vi jo viewyourwater.011235.dk på den er der beskrevet hvordan du finder ud af kvaliteten af vandet.
Her finder du informationer https://leakdatabase.011235.dk/011235/r/leaks/leakdatabase/information