Afklaring – Automated Water Kiosk

Her er en lille præcisering fra mig til dem, der konstant deler falske nyheder, vær venlig at lave jeres egen research, før I deler dem, tak.

Hele beskrivelsen hvorfor den er blivn bygget kan i læse i oplaget forneden. Der exister flere opslag ang. det Project.

Man kan naturligvis også se på det fra et andet synspunkt, men det præsenteres, som om det lige er blevet etableret, hvilket simpelthen er en løgn, for projektet har eksisteret siden 2017, og det handler om vandforsyningen, som skulle sikres, og det blev sikret på denne måde.

E-Madzi Automated Water Kiosks: One in three Malawians, or 5.6 million people, do not have access to running water in their households and their only source of clean water is water kiosks. Although this is a common solution across the country, most kiosks are only open for three hours in the morning and three hours in the evening. Moreover, people can only pay for the service in cash and the waiting time is usually quite long. That is why the Lilongwe Water Board and the World Bank financed and installed E-Madzi water kiosks, which are fully automated and usable with an e-card. The project was launched in June 2017 with only four kiosks in Lilongwe, the capital of Malawi. However, the area has obtained 35 more kiosks in 2020. The automated kiosks give access to water at any time of the day, consequently decreasing long waits and water waste while reducing 65% of the water costs. This fact makes daily water sourcing more convenient and secure.


  • Lin Ajna G o m n t u

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